Financial Sector Focus Fund

Ategra Capital Management, LLC is the Investment Manager for a private investment fund open to accredited investors and which invests primarily in undervalued financials. A low price of entry and a consistent strategy to sell are designed to generate more predictable returns with downside safety. It is a results-focused equity strategy designed for high returns over the medium and long term. Focus, sector and microcap bias are all contributing factors to the success of the portfolio. Ategra’s investment approach recognizes limiting the downside, providing a hurdle and controlling fees are all important to long-term investment success for our clients.

Large Capitalization US Long Short Fund
Ategra Capital Management, LLC is the Investment Manager for a private investment fund open to accredited investors and that makes investments principally in common stocks of large capitalization U.S. stocks. Large capitalization stocks are companies included in the S&P 500 Index or within the capitalization range of companies in the S&P 500 Index. The combination of investments is designed to make the market return in a tax efficient manner on the diversified large capitalization investments and additional return on the Investment Manager’s individually selected long and short portfolios, while reducing portfolio volatility. Individually selected positions are designed with the downside foremost and the expected upside being a multiple of the downside. This conservative stance is designed for market periods of heightened volatility. Ategra’s investment approach recognizes limiting the downside, providing a hurdle and controlling fees are all important to long-term investment success for our clients.
Investor Requirements

To review the offering materials of the private investment funds for which Ategra Capital Management, LLC is the Investment Manager, you must be an Accredited Investor as that term is used by the Securities and Exchange Commission in Regulation D.